List of operators
According to IACB v21, EU 2018/848, EU2021/1698
1- Group of operators
No | Operator/ Group of Operators | Address | Date of application | Code | Number of operators within the group | contact point | Mobile | product categories | Area (1,0000 m2)) | Scope Reduction | Certificate number | Certification Statues | Main activity | validity | Date of inspection | Issuance date |
1 | Farkha new farm for producing and marketing organic olive oil | Salfeet-Farkha | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-S-F | 10 | Thameen Baddah | 592070739 | IACB -A ,D | 165716 | Na | 16.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 11.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 |
2 | Kofferqadom agriculture farm | Qalqiliea -Kuferqadoom | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-Q-KUF | 19 | Fayyad Jomah | 598770070 | IACB -A ,D | 629500 | Na | 9.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 31.10.2024 | 10.11.2024 |
3 | Banizeed farm for producing organic oil | Ramallah -Banizaied | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-R-BNI | 28 | Mahmoud Alqadi | 598904495 | IACB-A ,D | 574500 | Na | 22.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 21.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 |
4 | The Farmer of Fruitful Trees " Silat al-Harithiya" | Jenine -SiltalHarithiya | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-J-S | 15 | Sufian Zyoud | 568916013 | IACB -A ,D | 237000 | Na | 20.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2024 | 26.11.2024 | 4.12.2024 |
5 | Alzawya farm | Salfeet-Alzawya | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-S-Z | 19 | Ismail hamodeh | 598481589 | IACB -A ,D | 353000 | Na | 10.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 28.10.2024 | 10.11.2024 |
6 | Masha Cooperative Farm for Agricultural Development | Salfeet -Masha | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-S-M | 18 | Joul Jamal | 569324273 | IACB -A ,D | 579500 | Na | 7.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 21.10.2024 | 10.11.2024 |
7 | Deer Ballot farm | Salfeet-DeerBallot | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-S-D | 8 | Ismail alasqaer | 523808327 | IACB -A ,D | 515000 | Na | 12.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 5.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 |
8 | Aseraha farm | Nublas-Aseraha | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-N-A | 8 | Mohamed Hamody | 599789610 | IACB -A ,D | 228400 | Na | 14.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2025 | 12.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 |
9 | Anza farm | Jenine -Anza | October ,3, 2023 | Ps-J-A | 17 | Moaz Obaid | 599728251 | IACB -A ,D | 145000 | Na | 18.2024 | Organic certified | olive fruit and olive oil | 30.9.2024 | 24.11.2024 | 4.12.2024 |
Click to show : list-of-operators-CRT-02-v2-1-3-2024-records-2024
2- Individual Operators
No Operator/ Group of Operators Address Date of application Code contact point Mobile product categories Area (1,0000 m2)) Scope Reduction Certificate number Certification Statues Main activity validity Date of inspection Issuance date
10 Aman Farm for producing wheat Jinen Nov,2016 Ps-J-A Yousef fayyed 599756126 IACB-A 151000 Na 1.2024 organic Wheet 1.6.2025 9.6.2024 25.6.2024
11 Barkat Dates farm Aljeftlik Sep,2017 PS-J-B Amjaed Barkat 592901095 IACB-A 10000 Na 6.2024 organic Date 30.9.2025 22.9.2024 25.9.2024
12 ALReef Date Farm Jarico Sep,2017 PS-J-A Mohanned himedat 598935398 IACB-A 3500 Na 3.2024 organic Date 30.9.2025 22.9.2024 25.9.2024
13 Sandoqa Date farm Aloja Sep,2016 PS-J-S Amjed Sandouqa 595652390 IACB-A 32000 Na 5.2024 organic Date 30.9.2025 5.9.2024
14 Alzain Date farm Aljeftlik Sep,2019 PS-J-Z Zidan Alanoz 592240274 IACB-A 60000 Na 4.2024 organic Date 30.9.2025 8.9.2024 25.9.2024
15 Lavendar farm Sida Nov,2021 Ps-T-L Rawda ALasquar 599171943 IACB-A 3500 Na 2.2024 organic Lavander 1.6.2025 4.6.2024 25.6.2024
16 ALSahed Farm Aljeftlik May,,2023 Ps-J-AL Naila Diriyah 599151296 IACB-A 8000 Na 6.2024 Conversion 1ST-year Date 30.9.2025 22.9.2024 25.9.2024
17 Vacare Deo Organic Farm Jerusalem July,2023 Ps-JU-V Sister. Marie Benedictine 56264954 IACB-A 12000 Na 24.2024 Conversion 1ST-year Olive fruit& Olive Oil 30.9.2025 27.10.2024 10.11.2024
18 Alreef for Investment and agriculture Marketing Company Al Ram Dec,2013 Ps-Proc-AlReef Saleem Abu Ghazaleh 599751447 IACB-D 1000 Na 13.2024 organic Marketing& exporting Olive oil , couscous, Dates 30.12.2025 9.2.2024
19 Ardona Agriculture Company "Mill" Ramallah Oct,2015 Ps-Proc-Ardona Baker Hammad 598921764 IACB-D 800 Na 23.2024 organic Milling olive fruit 30.9.2025 12.11.2024
20 AL-Noor Mill Masha Oct,2010 Ps-Proc-Alnoor Othman Amer 598921711 IACB-D 350 Na 8.2024 organic Milling olive fruit 30.9.2025 22.10.2024
21 Al qanaeuh Mill Jinen Oct,2011 Ps-Proc-Al qanaeuh Hamam Sawahneh 569495454 IACB-D 800 Na 21.2024 organic Milling olive fruit 30.9.2025 27.11.2024 4.12.2024
22 Anza Organic Mill Jinen Sep,2020 Ps-Proc-ANZA Mohamed ataya 599121346 IACB-D 650 Na 19.2024 organic Milling olive fruit 30.9.2025 25.11.2024 4.12.2024
23 Aseraha Ashamalia Mill Nablus Sep,2020 Ps-Proc-Aserah Fayez Hasan 599457891 IACB-D 700 Na 15.2024 organic Milling olive fruit 30.9.2025 13.11.2024 26.11.2024
24 Koferqadom modern Mill Qalqelieh Sep,2022
Ps-Proc- Koferqadom Abed ALhaleem Jomha 599465126 IACB-D 650 Na 24.2024 organic Milling olive fruit 30.9.2025 3.11.2024 10.11.2024
This page was last modified on 9.12.2024
For more information regarding these farms contact:
Agro. Dalal Hussien
+970 598921726